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Danielle Colby

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🌟 Danielle Colby is an American reality TV personality and a burlesque dancer. She gained fame for her appearances on the reality television series ‘American Pickers’ on the History Channel. 📺 She was previously a roller derby player 🛼 and competed in numerous competitions before retiring due to injuries. As a dancer, she leads her own burlesque group called ‘Burlesque Le Moustache’ 💃, which consists of nine talented dancers, including Colby herself. She has also established her own burlesque academy called ‘Dannie Diesel's Bump 'n' Grind Academy’ in Chicago. 💃✨​ In addition to her vibrant personality, Colby is renowned for her bold tattoos, which hold deep meanings for her and are not just for their "cool looks". She is the proud owner of a clothing company called ‘4 Miles 2 Memphis’ 👚. Furthermore, she actively participates in various charitable activities 🤝, particularly supporting women who have been victims of sex trafficking and harassment. 🙏​