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Yanet Garcia

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Yanet Garcia, known as the "sexiest weathergirl" on Reddit, is a popular Mexican TV presenter, model, social media influencer, businesswoman, and actress. 🌟 She started her career as a professional model at the age of 15 and gained recognition as a weather reporter on Las Noticias for Televisa Monterrey. 🌀️ Her weather forecasts became so popular that she launched her own YouTube channel. πŸŽ₯ With her overnight fame, she became one of the most followed personalities in Mexico. πŸ’ƒ In addition to her media presence, Yanet runs a successful YouTube channel where she shares vlogs about her life and fitness routines. πŸ’ͺ She also founded the modeling academy "Yanet Garcia Models" and recently launched her own bathing suit collection. πŸ‘™ With over 7 million followers on Instagram and 500k subscribers on YouTube, she has a strong online presence. πŸ“ΈYanet Garcia also ventured into acting and appeared in the movie "Sharknado 5: Global Swarming" in 2017. 🎬 Currently, she divides her time between New York and Mexico, focusing on her career. πŸ’Ό She is represented by Ink Entourage and Pepe Rincon. 🀝